Why Does Sunlight Fade Things? 1 Way To Preserve Furnishings. - Home Window tint and Film Services

Why Does Sunlight Fade Things? 1 Way To Preserve Furnishings.

In Home Window Tinting & Film by edh_userLeave a Comment

Can You Fully Enjoy Your Windows as Preserve Furnishings at the Same Time?

Most people love the open an airy feeling that lots of windows can create. Unfortunately, this open feeling often come with undesirable elements. Primarily, faded flooring, furniture, artwork, etc. So, what can be done so you can let the sun shine in and still preserve furnishings? That is what this article is all about. We want you to understand what is causing the problem and then explore how a home window tint or film just might be the solution you are looking for.

Why Does Sunlight Fade Things? 1 Way To Preserve Furnishings. - Home Window tint and Film Services in Omaha, NebraskaThe four primary causes of faded furnishings are:

  • Ultraviolet (UV) Rays (40%) – UV rays are the primary cause of fading in most materials. They can penetrate glass and damage the dyes and fibers in fabrics, carpets, and other materials.
  • Heat (25%) – Heat can also damage furnishings, especially fabrics and carpets. When heat is combined with UV rays, it can speed up the fading process.
  • Visible Light (25%) – Visible light can also cause fading, but to a lesser extent than UV rays. Visible light can break down the bonds in dyes and pigments, causing them to lose their color.
  • Pollutants (10%) – Pollutants in the air, such as ozone and nitrogen dioxide, can also cause fading. These pollutants can react with the dyes and pigments in materials, causing them to lose their color.

In addition to these 4 primary causes, there are other factors that can contribute to fading, such as:

  • The Type of Material – Some materials are more susceptible to fading than others. For example, fabrics with bright colors or delicate dyes are more likely to fade than fabrics with muted colors or durable dyes.
  • The Amount of Exposure to Sunlight – The more exposure to sunlight, the more likely a material is to fade.
  • The Environment – The environment can also affect the rate of fading. For example, materials are more likely to fade in hot, dry climates than in cool, humid climates.

How can a home window film help?

A properly selected window film attacks the three largest factors in fading. Nearly all modern window films will block 99% or more of the UV Rays. Then, depending on the window film technology chosen, they can reduce the visible light and heat elements as well. The combination of reducing these three largest fade factors results in a greater longevity of your furnishings even if exposed to sun through the windows. It should be noted that nothing can stop fading completely, other than keeping an item in a dark and temperature controlled room, window film can allow you to reduce these elements enough to be able to enjoy your windows and take a big step to preserve your furnishings.

Here are some additional tips for protecting your furnishings from fading:

  • Keep Furnishings Out of Direct Sunlight – While this is the best way to prevent fading, it is not always possible or desirable. When you cannot keep furnishings out of direct sunlight, that is when window film can be a great option.
  • Rotate Furnishings Regularly. This will help to prevent the same areas from being exposed to the sun’s rays all the time.
  • Clean Furnishings Regularly. This will help to remove dirt and dust, which can accelerate fading.

We hope this brief post shed some light on what the factors of faded floors, rugs and furniture are and how utilizing window film is one of your best options to preserve furnishings. If you would like to learn more about how home window films can help to preserve furnishings, click HERE. If you have any questions about this article or would like to schedule a free, no obligation quotation, contact us today by calling (708) 485-8468 or emailing us at in**@ed**********.com.

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